Los Angeles Asian Matchmaker: Should You Hire One? 
There is just one Los Angeles Asian matchmaker / matchmaking company in LA
Would you like this Rabbit year to finally be the year when you connect with that dream guy or girl through a Los Angeles Asian matchmaker? I hope so. We can help at Two Asian Matchmakers. We love helping singles find their ideal partner. We know a lot of Asian professionals who are single climb the corporate ladder in their 20’s and 30’s in search of money, security, or trying to impress their parents, but they neglect their love lives until one day they wake up and think, “Whoa, where did the time go?” That is when they usually seek us out and as Los Angeles Asian matchmakers, we can help!
1. To Hire One Or Not?
If you are asking, “Should I hire a Los Angeles Asian matchmaker?” The answer is within you. Ok, that was cheesy. I was just kidding. Well, you should hire a Los Angeles Asian matchmaker only if you need help in increasing your odds at finding love. It’s tougher now to find great singles now that you are not in college. I remember I thought I’d find my husband in at University of California in Santa Barbara. I didn’t. In the workforce, you can’t just date your co-workers. It’s not right. Hiring a Los Angeles Asian matchmaker just means you are expanding your social circle so you meet different people who you otherwise wouldn’t meet. Some of our Asian men and women clients just aren’t into the bar scene anymore. They are great catches and some are diamonds in the rough when presented in front of someone for a one-on-one date. They just don’t like crowded group settings. Who can blame them? Working with a Los Angeles Asian matchmaker is an awesome experience because you personally are going to work with someone who will know your deepest secrets, long term goals, and true desires when it comes to selecting a mate. I understand that education is important to you and that hopefully he or she has at least a BA or Masters. Education is valued greatly in the Asian culture so I get it. You don’t have to explain it to me because I will know where you are coming from. Your partner should be gainfully employed and honor traditional values if those things are important to you. I get it, I’m Asian, too. You will be honest with your Los Angeles Asian matchmaker because there is no judgment on our part. We will be truthfully honest with you regarding your expectations and what you need to work on. If you are a bad dater, yes, we will tell you and help you through that. Sometimes it’s something you don’t want to hear, but in the end, it helps you become successful in navigating through the dating scene in Los Angeles.
2. You Need Someone With Knowledge and Expertise
There are many reasons why you should you hire a Los Angeles Asian matchmaker. Well, you would call an experienced plumber to fix a broken toilet. You would have a dentist look at your toothache and do a root canal and wouldn’t trust your neighbor to do it. You would call the local electrician to rewire your kitchen when you are remodeling. So, it’s easy to understand why you would hire a Los Angeles Asian matchmaker to help you find the one in this crazy city of Los Angeles. A credible Los Angeles Asian matchmaker is someone who does this full time as their exclusive trade. Be cautious of “matchmakers” out there who are also fashion stylists or have another 9-5 job. They can’t fully commit to serving you and will not take their search for you seriously. Credible Los Angeles Asian matchmakers would share with you their direct line, if not cell phone number, and area accessible. True Los Angeles Asian matchmakers have a large current database of many eligible Asian relationship-minded singles and will opt to recruit for you. If you don’t hire a Los Angeles Asian matchmaker, you can only hope that your friends and family are keeping you on the top of their minds when they come across a great single. But don’t fret, good thing your Los Angeles Asian matchmakers are!
3. Choosing The Right One For You
How do you choose a Los Angeles Asian matchmaker? Plan to interview the Los Angeles Asian matchmakers and see who you click with and feel comfortable speaking with. The Los Angeles Asian matchmaker is going to be working with you for six months to a year so you want to make sure it’s a relationship you won’t regret. Can you relate to this person? Are your beliefs in who you are seeking aligning with who your Los Angels Asian matchmaker thinks you should be seeking? You need to both be on the same page, otherwise, it won’t be an effective and productive relationship. Are you going to get the personalize attention and service you need in the Los Angeles matchmaker? We know our clients enjoy working with us because they like the personalized service we give and refer us their friends. Is the company you want to work with claiming they are large? If so, that just means they won’t have time to work with you. At Two Asian Matchmakers, we do not claim we are the biggest or that we have tens of thousands of singles in our Date-A-Base, but we know we are reachable at all times, have thousand of quality active singles in our Date-A-Base, and work very hard at establishing trusted affiliates to deliver world class customer service to our clients.
4. Do Your Homework
You need to do your homework on researching a Los Angeles Asian matchmaker like the checking out the Better Business Bureau, online complaints, and positive testimonials. Be prepared with questions for your Los Angeles Asian matchmaker so get all the answers you need before making an informed decision. A great Los Angeles Asian matchmaker will make the time to get to interview you, know you, and understand you. It is in their best interest to get to know you so they can successfully screen potential partners for you. After the introductions, they should get post date feedback for you, and then fine tune the search according to your feedback, values, preferences, and goals.
5. How Much Should I Spend?
What does a good Los Angeles Asian matchmaker cost to hire? The types of services are different at each Los Angeles Asian matchmaking firm. Usually there is a contract for six or twelve month membership. Different packages range from $4,000 to $15,000+ depending on what kind of search you want and need. Do you want to search within Los Angeles area only or out of state/country? It all depends on how active you want to be, how selective you are or are not, and how much money you want to invest in your future. A Los Angeles Asian matchmaker is not cheap, but it’s a great investment if you are serious about looking for quality introductions. When you think about spending over $400,000 on a house (if you’re lucky!!) and $35,000 on a car, why wouldn’t you spend a few thousand dollars in finding your life partner?